Kippax Marketplace will operate from 9am - 1pm on the 3rd Saturday of each month (excluding April & December) in 2025. At each sale there will also be an additional, garage style sale in the Kippax Uniting Community's hall:
  • February 15 - Homewares, Manchester, and Cake Stall
  • March 15 - Clothing and Accessories
  • May 17 - Mini Monster Sale (NO furniture*)
  • June 21 - Books, CDs, DVDs, and delicious Soup Lunch
  • July 19 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Puzzles and Games
  • August 16 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Crafts
  • September 20 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Toys (~ things for kids)
  • October 18 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Garden (plants, tools etc)
  • November 15 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Cake Stall, Christmas items, and SCONE-OFF!

*We are not able to accept or sell furniture donations.

If you would like to book a Marketplace spot or for more information, just email

Money raised from the Kippax Marketplace goes to support the work of Kippax Uniting in the community.  
We also work with partner organisations to pass donated items directly on to people in need.