Kippax Marketplace will operate from 9am - 1pm on the 3rd Saturday of each month (excluding April & December) in 2025. At each sale there will also be an additional, garage style sale in the Kippax Uniting Community's hall:
- February 15 - Homewares, Manchester, and Cake Stall
- March 15 - Clothing and Accessories
- May 17 - Mini Monster Sale (NO furniture*)
- June 21 - Books, CDs, DVDs, and delicious Soup Lunch
- July 19 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Puzzles and Games
- August 16 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Crafts
- September 20 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Toys (~ things for kids)
- October 18 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Garden (plants, tools etc)
- November 15 - Mini Monster Sale* PLUS Cake Stall, Christmas items, and SCONE-OFF!
*We are not able to accept or sell furniture donations.
If you would like to book a Marketplace spot or for more information, just email