All livestream sessions now available from Synod 2023

8 Oct 2023 by Synod Communications in: Latest News

This year Synod in Session met in Katoomba for our 40th meeting of members from across the Church. Our first in-person meeting in four years was marked by rigorous discussion about the future of the Church, with a renewed focus on the commitments (new and existing) through Future Directions.

The focus on growth and health in Congregations and Presbyteries was highlighted by a number of proposals bought to the floor of Synod and considered carefully by members.

Throughout the meeting, selected sessions were livestreamed and recorded and are now avialable to view.

As well as livetreamed sessions, the Moderator Rev. Faaimata Havea Hiliau's Installation video, Proposal videos and Synod Growth Fund videos are also now avialable to view on demand.

Also look out for the Insights Summer issue (out early December) for the full report from Synod 2023!

Go to the Synod 2023 Livestream showcase here.