Reconvened 16th Assembly of the UCA - Day 4

19 Jun 2022 by Rev Andrew Smith in: Letters, Thoughts, News

Reconvened 16th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia – Day 4

From Rev Andrew Smith
Presbytery Minister - Congregation Futures

Over the last three weeks there have been bite sized chunks of information about the first three days of the recently reconvened meeting of the 16th Assembly of the Uniting Church. Here is some information about the final day.
The final day of the reconvened 16th Assembly began with morning worship where members sang again in the language of the Gubbi Gubbi people and were led in a beautiful liturgy from Dorothy McRae-McMahon. Members were invited to hold with them a piece of red string as a reminder of the warmth and luxury of God’s love.
In its final business session, the Assembly passed a proposal that seeks to deepen the Uniting Church’s commitment to living faith and life interculturally in a range of ways including a new annual Sunday of celebration, ‘Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday’.  It also requests some review of the Regulations, UCA policies and other key documents to consider opportunities for simpler and more equitable church structures, processes, and ways of working that foster CALD participation and intercultural partnership.
Chaplains to the President Reuben Edmonds and Rev Radhika Sukumar-White presented a vote of thanks to all who helped the Assembly meeting come to life, offered leadership and pastoral care, led worship, worked behind the scenes, and planned and managed the event. The Synod of Queensland was thanked for hosting the meeting.
The meeting moved into a final time of worship before closing with Communion led by President Rev Sharon Hollis.
“Take a moment to recall what we’ve done together. The community we have formed. The confession we have made. The recommitment we have given. The pledges we have signalled. Think of a moment when you knew you dwelt in love, and give thanks.”
“We have dwelt together in love because the Holy Spirit has dwelt with us, and guided us, and remained with us.”
The 17th Assembly will take place in 2024 and will be hosted by the Synod of NSW/ACT.
Further information about the Assembly meeting can be found at 16th Assembly - Uniting Church Australia, including the documents for the meeting, videos, articles and the Bible Reflections booklet from Nungalinya College.